Why Did The Nationalists Loose The Civil War In China From 1946-1949?

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The Civil War in China began in 1926 when the Nationalist Partt (GMD) took over the warlords and went against the Communists. Purges against the communists began and in 1934, the Communist party (CCP) in China was close to total annihilation (Wikipedia). China had struggled for decades with foreign imperialism, especially with their East Asian neighbor, Japan. When Japan surrendered in 1945 after their defeat in World War Two, the Nationalist party (GMD) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) resumed their previous battle as to who would rule China between 1946 - 1949. Their relationship was ill fated from the start due to the different outlooks that each regime held. Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek led the GMD and Mao Zedong led the CCP. The reason why the GMD lost the Civil war in China from 1946~1949 was because Chiang became notorious for his corruption and inefficient and inflexible, whereas on the other hand the Communists were persevere in nature and worked upon enhancement of tactics that brought them to rule the country (Wood and McManus, 73). Chiang Kai Shek’s conduct during the Nanjing decade up until 1948 was not received well by many sectors of the Chinese society. Chiang was notorious for launching “reign of terrors against wealthiest inhabitants of the city” (Spence 361). Jonathan Spence argues that Chiang raked in millions of dollars from wealthy businessmen and big corporations; this influx was used to run the country – mostly for its military needs. He also arrested children of industrialists by “identifying” them as counterrevolutionaries or communists, which led to their rich fathers having to pay large sums to the GMD (369). The GMD’s approach in running the government was by following Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s five-power constitution that asserted the values of democracy and bureaucracies with checks and balances. Spence argues that this five-power
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