Why Did Charles 1 Have Problems??/

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There were many reasons for the problems in 1629 – 40. There were many problems related to religions. He and the Archbishop Laud started making changes in the Church of England. They thought that everyone will feel closer to god if the church was beautiful and decorated. Many people didn’t like the ideas. Puritans hated the ideas since they thought that the church should be simple. Many people thought that they were trying to turn the church into Catholic Church. Charles 1’s wife was a Catholic and had her own chapel and priest. He was also a Catholic. People published pamphlets against the church and monarchy. In 1637 Archbishop Laud put some people on trial for writing some of the pamphlets. They were found guilty and were punished severely. There were many problems related to his views on monarchy parliament. Parliament disliked the marriage of Charles and French Catholic princess Henrietta Maria. They also didn’t trust Charles’s main adviser, Buckingham. In 1626 Parliament tried to punish him and hence Charles sent two Mps to prison. From 1629 Charles 1 ruled without parliament which brought loads of problems. There were many problems related to taxations. When Charles 1 became the monarch and granted him the custom duties for only 1 year but he collected the duties anyway, without parliament’s approval. While the king’s personal rule, he charged many taxes. He then started charging taxes called the “Ship Money” which was normally collected during the time of war from the counties on the coast. In 1634, he collected the Ship Money even though there was no war ongoing and there was no need to improve the navy. In 1635, Ship Money was also collected from the inland counties. I think taxation was the most important reason for Charles 1’s problems because most of the parliament was against it and the parliament had the most powerful men. And the whole country

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