When the Hundred Years War broke out, both side decided to use their ability to tax the church granted to the kings by the church as a repayment for the crusades. When the church refused to pay France, they kidnapped Pope Boniface VIII. The Pope died soon after his rescue and the cardinals elected a French pope so as not to stir trouble again. But instead of moving to Rome, the new Pope Clement V stayed in Avignon. A new string of Popes would settle in Avignon for the next 70 years where the French kings were able to maintain a firm hold on the papacy.
Was Cromwell A Harsh Dictator Or A Fair Ruler? Oliver Cromwell ruled England at this time and it wasn’t easy, he upset Ireland and made his soldiers get rid of parliament by saying you have sat here too long for the good you do in the name of God go. Oliver Cromwell led the group the republicans and they believed that parliament should rule and the king should at least share the power with parliament and if not he should go but he and the republicans thought that the people in parliament were not fit to rule in parliament. The king had died at this point and people thought it was time for an election, people thought Charles 1’s son should rule but other people had different ideas. Mp’s started quarrelling about religious questions such as should baptism happen to children or adults these things started to really annoy Cromwell with these quarrels.
12 years later, he became a member of parliament for Cambridge. His ambition was to turn England into a republic. He did many good things but also some very bad things. Many people think he was a very bad person but some people believed strongly in what he did. Before the 1600s, when there was a war, people would have been picked off the street and been given weapons but not trained or qualified to fight.
When Charles raised his Standard in Nottingham 1642 it was unclear who, or how, the war would be won, but Parliament's Victory in The Civil War 1646, can be explained by a Multitude of reasons, most notably; a Royalist lack of finance [or more generally resources], and Parliamentary revolutionary Reform and Organisation. Firstly the areas that Parliament held over the course of the civil war were more populous, wealthy and fertile than that of the Royalist's. Crucially Parliaments hold over London gave them significant privileges, including drawing funds from excise duties and a large, easily taxed, mercantile class. Whereas Royalist control lay over the poor, sparsely populated areas of the Country including Wales, the North, and portions of the Southwest. Although in the first Months of the war the Royalists were mostly better funded, despite their limited land held.
If he didn’t change the religion for the best interest of England, we would have a higher crime rate and England would be destroyed. The Catholic Church went from being a place where you can find God, to a place where people are executed and go against the laws of God and humanity. Henry VIII said “The people look to you for light and you bring them darkness. Amend these crimes and set forth Gods word truly or else I, whom God has appointed his high minister, will see these divisions extinct and the enormities corrected”. The Catholic Church decided to start controlling everyone in England.
It was hard for him to talk without crying. War has been waged on the Roman Empire. Who would believe that Rome would fall, the city that was built on the conquering the whole world. Gregory who served as a reformer of the medevil church as Pope Gregory , said that there is nothing but sorrow and all around is the sounds of groan’s Cities were destroyed, No man is left in the fields, no people are in the cities. Men are captured and led away, others are mutilated right before our eyes.
John heard of this and in his fury had Geoffrey imprisoned in chains, clad in a cope made of lead and starved. Geoffrey died an agonising death.’ I don’t think this source is a trustworthy source because he can’t tell us the name or the whereabouts of the sheriff. Roger tells us that John let a robber that murdered a priest go because it was an enemy of his but government records show that John ordered anyone killing a priest
Being, flogging, burning with acid, even murder was condemned. It's more violent activities included kidnapping, lynching, setting fire to synagogues and Catholic churches, and murdering a priest began to offend the nation's conscience. Misuse of funds and sexual scandals among leaders brought down their control. By the end of the ‘20s, the Klan had virtually
Buckingham had too much influence with the King; this meant he was seen as one of the main causes to the break down in parliament. James wanted money from the Parliament in 1625 because of the war with Spain. Parliament decided to grant a tonnage and poundage as the monarch’s main source of Revenue. Opposition MPs discussed Parliament choosing the Kings ministers for him and also the impeachment of those who gained undue influence over him; this was especially aimed at Buckingham. A breakdown in parliament then occurred because Charles realized the parliamentary attack on Buckingham was increasing so in 1625 dissolved his first Parliament in order to protect his close companion.
He told them that they have invaded and destroyed the lands of the Christians. They have also killed and destroyed the churches of God and have taken over them for their own religious rites.