Why Criminals Commit Crimes

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Criminals have different reasons for committing crimes. They tend to deal with certain things in life that make them criminals. The way they grew up, the people they associate themselves with, their mental stability, etc all take part in what makes a criminal do things whether violent or non violent. One of the ways to tell how the person could be a criminal is their behavior. Some of them saw when they were growing up that bad behavior was rewarded and it becomes habitual, and behavior that is punished became extinguished. As children they modeled their behavior after violent acts of their parents, siblings or other relatives. Their antisocial behavior patterns are reinforced by peers and other people that surround them. Antisocial behavior of potential violent criminals can be triggered b a number of different influences, verbal threats, experience of direct pain, and the perception of relative social disability such as poverty and racial discrimination. People who have learned violence and saw it rewarded the ones that act violently under more circumstances than those who haven’t seen violence being rewarded. Another way to determine a criminal is psychodynamic. Some people encounter problems during their early years that cause an imbalance in their personality. Some have mood disorders and are extremely anxious, fearful, and impulsive. People who suffer from psychosis may hear voices telling them what to do or they may even see visions. Schizophrenia is one of the conditions marked by incoherent thought processes, lack of insight, hallucinations, and feelings of persecution. Criminals may have suffered damage to their egos or superegos early in their development that renders them powerless to control their urges. They may even suffer delusions and feel persecuted, worthless, and alienated. Non violent criminals tend to be motivated by a lack of insight and
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