Psychodynamic Theory, Personality, And Crime

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The three theories I chose to compare and contrast is Psychodynamic theory, Behavioral theory, and Personality and crime. Psychodynamic theory says that some people encounter problems in during their early development that cause an imbalance in their personality. People that have psychosis primitive impulses control their personality. Some have mood disorders and are fearful. They may say they hear voices telling them what to do. Schizophrenia is one type of psychosis, it is a lack of insight, and they hallucinate, and have feelings of persecution. They may have suffered damage to their personalities as a child, which makes them powerless to control their impulses. They go with their need without thinking about if it’s right or wrong or the…show more content…
Behavioral theory states that people act aggressively because, as children, they modeled their behavior after the violent acts of adults. When they get older, they become antisocial. As a child when they were awarded for doing things, they thought it was good and it became habitual and the behavior that is punished becomes extinguished. A sub branch of behavioral theory is social learning theory. They act violently when people pick on them, threaten them, or they are exposed to direct pain. The people that have seen violence rewarded react violently when provoked to. Personality and crime involve a disturbed personality structure. They are antisocial and are described as sociopaths and psychopaths. It begins in early childhood and continues into adulthood. They usually fail to plan ahead, don’t care about the safety of self or others, don’t have any remorse, irresponsible, are aggressive, deceitful, and don’t show respect to lawful behaviors. These people are believed to be dangerous, aggressive, and antisocial people. They don’t learn from their mistakes and they aren’t…show more content…
In order for the infant to grow up normally, they should experience a warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with its mother. If a parent fails to do this, it will cause people to be a victim of psychological disorders. Children that have attachment problems may have difficulty concentrating, be impulsive, and experience difficulty in school. A detachment problem has been linked to a lot of antisocial behaviors that includes sexual assault and child abuse. These three theories are alike because all of them starts in early childhood and continues to adulthood. They all involve mental disorders and they don’t know if it is right or wrong. It is hard for them to distinguish what is right and wrong because of what they saw or was praised for as a child. They do what they are accustomed to. These theories are different because Psychodynamic theory deals with mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and nonschizophrenia psychotic disorders. These people hear voices in their heads telling them what to do, as for people with behavioral disorder do what they were praised for doing as a child and with a personality disorder, they lacked the love and attention and do what they see

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