Juvenile-Justice System To Grow Up Essay

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There are certain crimes for which, no matter the age the criminal should be punished by having to face serious charges. In today’s society many young children and teens under the age of 18 pursue the life of committing crimes. When young offenders commit a certain crime, which in most cases it is murder or rape they face the regular justice system where they will be tried as an adult. Being tried as an adult lets the juveniles face state penitentiaries and sentences up to life without any parole. Criminals need to be punished to the extent if it’s a serious crime. I see serious crimes as murder, rape or abuse of any kind. Many people claim that the child did not know any better, or that they were brought up with the conception that this behavior is acceptable. Some even believe that it is a behavior that they inherit which they tend to call it the “Choice Theory”. In my eyes the criminal knows what they were doing and decided to go through with it. Everybody should know right from wrong when you are a teen. Whether it is…show more content…
In Ken Stier’s article, “Getting the Juvenile-Justice System to Grow Up”, in Time Magazine, he confirms that every year, some 200,000 youths are tried, sentenced or incarcerated as adults. I agree with Stier’s theory about juveniles having a greater possibility of changing their lives around without serious punishment, there are certain crimes where anyone at any age should be tried as an adult. These crimes are 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, rape and kidnapping. Juveniles need to be able to learn their lesson in a big way so they do not think that they can get away with something then commit the same crime later and expect the same the same punishment. If they don’t then the crime percentage will continue to grow and more teens will be getting away with these types of crimes because they did not have to face any serious
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