Should The United States Abolish The Death Penalty

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Does the death penalty serve as a justified and legitimate form of punishment? This issue has recurrently created controversial debates. Whenever the word "death penalty" comes up, extremists from both sides start yelling out their arguments. One side says discriminative, the other side says fair; one says execution; the other side says justice. Crime is an inevitable part of society, and everyone is aware that something must be done about it. Most people know the threat of crime to their lives, but the question lies in the methods and actions with which we deal with crime. From the time of Fourteenth Century crucifixion to Tenth Century British hanging to present-day American lethal injection, the death penalty has been apportioned to those who have committed a variety of offenses (“Death Penalty Information Center”). However, even though the death penalty seems to have been effective in the past, it does not mean it is still effective in modern times. Today, the death penalty is not only an extremely costly, unjustified, and discriminating form of capital punishment, but it is also an exceedingly immoral one that needs to be abolished immediately. Despite the death penalty’s antiquity, the current procedure is extremely expensive (“High Cost of Death Row”). There are many components to a death penalty case other than paying for the actual injection itself. States waste millions of dollars per case on legal, pre-trial, jury selection, trial, incarceration and appeals costs (“High Cost of Death Row”). Additionally, it can costs taxpayers up to $250 million dollars per execution, while it only costs approximately $1 million for 50 years of life without parole (“High Cost of Death Row”). Furthermore, the nation is currently recovering from a recession and needs an economic stimulus of some sort. While abolishing the death penalty will not give the nation that

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