Private vs. Public Executions

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Private vs. Public Executions The majority of countries around the world practice some sort of capital punishment. Naturally, the punishment varies from place to place, as does the degree of crimes resulting in such. Most places do, however, have some sort of capital punishment system in place for what they deem as their most appalling crimes. Here in America, we do have the death penalty in most states, as it is not imposed by federal law for all states to enforce it. The reason for this is that not all states can agree on whether or not capital punishment is criminal in and of itself. Another important controversy within the subject is this: Regardless of whether or not the death penalty itself should be enforced, if it is going to be, then is it right to publicize the criminal’s execution, or should it remain private? The subject of privatized versus publicized executions is still a hot debate for most. Those who are in support of public executions have valid reasons, as do those who are against them. Both sides have been pretty stubborn in their views, the reason why we haven’t reached a decision as a whole. The supporters generally state the pros fairly similarly. They usually include the fact that public executions of criminals would serve as a viable crime deterrent. The logic behind this seems solid, as it would definitely keep those who maybe have a crime in mind or the potential for one from doing so, and thinking twice. Of course it wouldn’t completely stop the crimes, they will always happen. Another common reason in favor of it is the fact “that America has voted to execute people, then America should be able to see or hear what they have chosen.” (2) This makes sense as well. Because we are allowed to vote on whether or not a criminal is guilty enough to be killed, then maybe we should also be allowed to see it happen. On a slight tangent, if we
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