Why College Education Is Important to Me.”

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“Why college education is important to me.” There is no doubt that a college or university education is extremely valuable to an individual who is striving to improve his or her career and the life of his or her family. Statistics and data put together by numerous independent organizations have verified the value of a college degree for many years. Parents have been repeating the mantra “go to college” to their children for decades, but I believe a stronger message will be sent if my children see me go to college and witness how I benefit from it. A college degree has become vitally important to my personal employment situation; after teaching pre-K in Columbus, OH for almost eight years it has become imperative that I obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Education. If I desire to advance in the workplace by teaching in a public school, then I will need to obtain a college education. I have known and understood the importance of a college education for my whole adult life, but due to my employment situation, the energy and time required to achieve a college education did not mesh with my immediate realities – until now. If I wish to experience all of the benefits that go along with a promotion, I must challenge myself to find the time and energy needed to work full-time and get an education. Fortunately, finding myself at a new school with new colleagues and administrators to impress has given me the drive and the inspiration I need to put in the hard work that is always necessary when bettering yourself. However, my goals and dreams are driven by more than my own personal career objectives. I am a proud mother of three children, one of them graduating from high school this spring and pursuing a college education as well. I know that my pursuit will not only help me be a better teacher, but I will be a better mother because I can inspire my college bound daughter

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