Who Is Cheap

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The essay “Who’s Cheap” by Adair Lara is an exemplification essay which she gives examples of guys being cheap. I believe that depending on the type of relationship a girl and a guy has will determined who will pay. If a girl and a guy have just met each other or are just friends then they should split the pay check, but if a guy asks a girl out on a date then he should pay. The girl however should offer to pay to show manners but at the end the guy if he’s a real gentleman would pay for both of them. Saying “I’ll pay half” shows that you will definitely pay no question ask while “Let me pay half” is you offering to pay where by your date can say “No, its ok I’ll pay.” From a female perspective I don’t think it matters which one you use because either way you put it you are still showing a form of offering to pay one way or another. Majority of relationships these days the guy will pay for both the girl and himself. However they are some relationship where by the girl ends up paying for everything. Like in the essay “Who’s Cheap” Lara explains to us that her date told her the gas station is a rip-off but he doesn’t offers to help out; I can relate to this because once I was out having lunch with some friends. Sitting behind us was a lady and a man all the man did was sit and complain how the food was expensive but yet he still orders a lot of food, when the bill came he saw it, gave it to the lady and said “you take care of this hunny” as he gave her the bill with a kiss on her forehead and walked outside. End of the day it all comes up to the individual’s personality that will determine “who’s
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