Which Factor Was More Important to the Rise of Hitler.

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The Depression, Nazi propaganda and the weaknesses of the Weimar government were all important reasons why Hitler came to power in 1933. This essay will argue that the Depression was the most important reason for why Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933. It could be argued that the Deppression was the most important reason for why Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933. This is because the deppresion increased unemployment and a cut in unemployment benefit which meant that people wanted an extreme change in political leader. Due to the Depression making people want a drastic change in political party in ower there was an increase in communist support and as a result an increase in Nazi support because people were scared of communism and the Nazi's promised to deal with them. The depression was taken advantage of by Nazi propaganda and they convinced a lot of people that electing Hitler would solve their problems. This means that the Depression was the most important factor in the election of Hitler because with out it then nobody would want to change the current party in power because before the depression then German was extremely prosperous. Therefore, the Depression was the most important factor that lead to the election of Hitler. It could be argued that the Hitler attributes was the most important reason for why Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933. This is because with out it then people would not know who the Nazi party was or what they stood for and as a result they would gain no support or poularity. Without the Nazi Campaining then they would not get the extra support due to the communist threat because it would not be in the public eye that the Nazi's promised to deal with them. A lot of Nazi campaigning was rallys and this impressed a lot of people because of the high numbers and order and discipline shown by the Gestapo
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