Hitler Became Chancellor in January 1933 Because He Was Leader of the Most Popular Party in Germany.

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“Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933 because he was leader of the most popular Party in Germany. How far do you agree with this judgement?” The Nazi Party (NSDAP) became the largest political Party in German Reichstag after the Reichstag elections in July 1932. The Nazi Party won 37.3% of the vote which gave them 230 seats in the Reichstag out of a total 608 seats. Despite being the single largest Party, the German President, Paul von Hindenburg, refused to appoint Hitler as Chancellor. Even though Hindenburg was in Hitler’s way of gaining the Chancellorship, there were many other factors that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor in January 1933 and not just because he was leader of the most popular Party in Germany. For example, the Weimar Republic was suffering from the political polarisation between nationalist and communist’s parties and the economic crisis caused by the Great Depression. These two issues put pressure on the governing coalition and it was beginning to break up. Furthermore political intrigue and the self interest of political parties, along with the inherent flaws of the Weimar constitution and the weakness of government by coalition, all played into Hitler’s hands. These factors caused the loss of public support for the grand coalition of the Weimar Republic and the German people subsequently looked for a new style of leadership. Therefore it was these reasons, rather than just being the leader of the most popular Party in Germany, that allowed Hitler to become Chancellor. The Nazi Party underwent a huge reorganisation which was overseen by their leader Adolf Hitler, in December 1924. The reorganisation aimed to get the Nazi Party more influence in different aspects of German society and by doing so, gain the Party more voters. Hitler began the reorganization of the Nazi Party by constructing a network of local Party organizations such
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