Compare and Contrast the Rise to Power of Hitler and Stalin!

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Compare and Contrast the rise to power of Hitler and Stalin! The 1920’s saw the rise of two leaders: Stalin and Hitler. Although both were authoritarian dictators their rise to power bore many differences and similarities. These two men were both able to rise to power mainly due to the following: use of propaganda, the conditions that their respective countries were in, and their desire to restore and gain power in their countries. There were many attributes that aided Hitler in his rise to power. Since the First World War in 1914 Germany’s government had been very unstable, and of course was not helped by the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. Due to the reparations evoked by the treaty and the cost of war, Germany experienced hyperinflation that was only solved in 1924 with a series of loans from America. Just as Germany’s economy was improving the Wall Street crash occurred in 1929 where America requested repayment of all their loans. These events created the perfect conditions for a new radical party to rise to power: The Nazis. Founded in 1919, this group appealed to ex-soldiers, lower middle-class workers and students who wanted political change. Hitler opened new party organizations for women, students, and teachers that gave more awareness to the party as well as their ideals. Hitler’s contribution to this party was quite substantial, however it would have been hard at the time to predict he would become chancellor. Historian Ian Kershaw puts Hitler’s success down to luck and chance, stating that there was nothing inevitable about Hitler’s rise to power. However Hitler and the Nazis still grew and became a threat to von Papen and Hindenburg. They consequently made him chancellor in 1933 believing they could control Hitler’s influence and diminish his power within two months. However Hitler called for immediate elections and again was welcomed with another
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