What They Couldn’t Say: an Analysis of the Main Characters in “Hills Like White Elephants”

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What They Couldn’t Say: An Analysis of the Main Characters in “Hills Like White Elephants” It happens all over the world to a lot of different people. Some will be happily surprised and some will be dreadfully devastated, but one thing is for certain, couples become pregnant every day. For some couples, this is a great joy and a situation that requires no dilemma, but for the couple in Ernest Hemmingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”, the dilemma poses unhappiness for both the main characters. This story takes place in a foreign country at a table outside of a train station and revolves around the conversation of what is believed to be a couple arguing over a decision that they obviously do not agree on. The story never openly says what it is they are debating. We only know that the man and woman are on opposite sides of the conversation. It can be argued that they are debating whether or not to have an abortion. In paragraph forty two, the man says “It’s an awfully simple operation”. With that, it becomes clear there is some sort of procedure involved. They are trying to decide whether or not to have the baby she is carrying. The woman seems to be in the process of making up her mind. She keeps phrasing every sentence into a question and searching for an approval for the decision it seems she has already made. The fact that the girl is consuming alcoholic beverages leads to assume she has no intentions of keeping the child. The girl looks out at the brown and dry country side and comments on the white hills illuminated by the hot sun above. She says “They look like white elephants”. The man says “I’ve never seen one” meaning he can’t understand what she is going through. Then the girl says “No, you wouldn’t have”, because she knows he has no idea how hard this decision is for her. The hills represent her freedom. He then says “I might have, just because

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