What Is Love?

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What Is Love? Have you ever wondered what love is? Why are we so mystified by love? Why can’t love be simpler to understand? Aren’t we all born with an unconscious desire for love? I believe that every human being feels the need for love in one way or another. We all experience this passionate emotion in different ways. It is unnoticeably intertwined into our everyday lives and influences the decisions we make. I believe there are different types of love. To get a better understanding of these types of love, the Greeks have divided love into three terms, agape, phileo, and eros. Phileo is friendly love, agape is spiritual love, and eros is romantic love. By defining these three terms, we may gain a better understanding of what love is. I feel that all love gives. Adler says “The desire to give, the benevolent wish or impulse is the very essence of loving” (Adler 119). Love is an extreme emotion we all feel. It can be very powerful. You can find yourself caught up in a beautiful relationship, or you can find yourself devastated by a break-up. Even though love has both positive and negative effects, all humans need to be loved, and need to share love. Self-love is important because you have to be able to love yourself before you can love others. Loving others is an instinctual action. Adler says that “love is to desire as liking is to wanting, as giving is to getting”. Love is different than desire. It comes natural to us (Adler 115). Phileo, or friendly love, is the type of love many people share with their friends and family. It is a giving, understanding kind of love. It is the kind of love where people share peace of mind and support one another by conducting a simple friendship. Without phileo, we would be alone, and lonely. We need conversation, humans need social interaction. We want to share our lives with others (Adler 125). I believe Phileo is the basis
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