What Is an Effective Parent

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What Is an Effective Parent? What is an effective parent? The definition of an effective parent differs from person to person, and the basic effectiveness of each parent is molded by their own personal upbringing. As children grow and pass through different developmental stages, changes need to be made in order to fulfill their basic needs. Children’s needs are in their parents’ hands, thus an effective parent best supports their child’s needs through displaying love, providing support, and setting limits. Displaying love is the most important characteristic of effective parenting. There are many different methods of showing love. Love can be shown verbally, by simply saying “I Love You,” or love can be shown physically with hugs and kisses. Love is an important characteristic of parenting, because it teaches children how to accept love, and how to show love in return. For example, when a child is young, and is told “I Love You” daily, or given a simple kiss hello or goodbye, the child will have a better chance of understanding love themselves. Children who are in a stable loving environment when they are young will successfully be able to convey love when they get married and have children of their own. A child who is shown love throughout their lifetime will be more affectionate and caring towards others. A continuous positive and loving attitude can be carried on through teenage years to adult hood. This is a trait everyone needs to build any kind of relationship successfully. Secondly, effective parents provide continuous support to their children. Parents can do this by offering constant encouragement. Encouragement allows the child to strive for achievement, whether it is congratulating them for getting good grades or taking them out to get ice cream for landing their first part-time job. This makes the child aware that parents’ are their number one support

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