What Is a Good Student?

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What is a student? Some people say that a student is someone who does well in school. Others might state that a student is someone who is learning. According to Dictionary.com, a student is “any person who studies, investigates, or examines thoughtfully” (dictionary.reference.com). Now that a definition is established, what are the qualities of a good student? Qualities of a good student include their study habits, lifestyle, and determination to achieve success in learning. Study habits are a huge part to being a student. They help determine what type of student someone is. A good student knows where, when, and how to study. Good students usually find a place that is free from distractions of any kind. This can be anywhere from in your home to public libraries. They study at times when their mind is focused and able to concentrate on one thing. They also know how they are going to study their subject. This can be done by going over notes the student has taken, listening to the professor, and asking questions. Good students also know not to procrastinate, because this is a bad study habit and it leads to studying at the last minute. They do not retain as much information they need to learn for their subject. Another important quality to a good student is their lifestyle. A student’s lifestyle is important because it helps them be healthier and become more focused on the task at hand. Students, who have healthier lifestyles like me, tend to go to bed at a decent hour, eat three meals a days, and maintain a social life in things like clubs. Going to bed at a decent hour helps student wake up earlier in the morning so their brain can become more functional by the time they have their first class. Eating three meals a day helps you focus on the work the student is doing instead of feeling the stomach pain of hunger. Maintaining a social life in and clubs helps relax

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