What Factors Helped Hitler to Become Chancellor in January 1933?

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Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on 30th January 1933 when Hindenburg appointed him into this position. There were a number of factors which helped Hitler become Chancellor. One of these factors was the power of his speech and his personality when on public display. Hitler would hold large public meetings or huge rallies to tell spectators of his ideas and to inspire them. Presents at these rallies would be massive marching displays and music which would be followed by one of Hitler’s speeches. Accompanying him at these speeches would be smart military groups that were well dressed and well respected. He would use his powerful voice effectively, sometimes shouting whilst addressing the crowd and he would wave his arms and hands which created a sense of urgency. Hitler was extremely effective whilst delivering speeches and this was a huge factor in his rise. Another factor was his technique of not having specific policies. This meant that he would appeal to everyone and not just focus on gaining the votes of one particular group like other political parties of the day. A large factor in Hitler becoming Chancellor was his use of propaganda. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, produced a propaganda campaign that was very effective and it won invaluable support for the Nazis. This campaign targeted specific groups of society with different slogans and policies to win their support. Hitler’s loyal followers would spread the word of the Nazi party throughout the country after he had convinced them with propaganda. There were clubs for children, students and teachers all based around the foundation of propaganda. The Nazis even controlled newspapers and printed millions of posters and leaflets to spread their ideology. Also, Hitler’s criticism of the Treaty of Versailles increased his popularity because many of the German people were still
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