What Does It Mean to Be an Effective Teacher?

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During a time when the news is laden with reports of naughty children, schools must endeavor to employ educators willing to go above and beyond the call of simply teaching students within a classroom. Our schools are full of good teachers who go to work, teach what is in a textbook and leave at the end of the day. An effective teacher, however, understands the importance of their job and discovers ways to educate effectively. All teachers are kind, caring and understanding, but the difference is, effective teachers are passionate about their jobs and develop a number of strategies to ensure their students, like them, develop a love for learning. To be effective, teachers must create positive environments, motivate students, develop well planned lessons, communicate effectively and regularly reflect upon themselves. An effective teacher creates a positive environment for students by creating strong student-teacher relationships enabling students to develop a strong sense of belonging and to feel secure within the class. Students who see their work displayed (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2001), know the class routine and have positive relationships with peers and their teachers will feel a sense of belonging (Goodenow; Osterman as cited in Krause, Bochner, Duchesne & McMaugh, 2010, p. 510). Effective teachers create positive relationships by spending the time to get to know individuals personally, learning the interests of the student and by being firm but fair, the latter is displayed by authoritative teachers (Whitton, Barker, Nosworthy, Sinclair & Nanlohy as cited in Hurst & Cooke, 2010, p. 235). Without a sense of security and a sense of belonging, students can develop anxiety, stress and begin to feel alienated (Campbell, 2010). It is vital for students to feel secure, listened to and respected in their environment (Valenzuela, 1999). Creating safe environments,

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