What Do Recent Trends in Family Life Tell Us About “the Family” in Modern Britain?

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There is a difference between a household and a family. A household is a person living alone or a group of people living together. This group may or may not be relater to one another. However, defining what a family is, is harder. A family is a social construct, so therefore its different depending on the place, time and culture. The traditional nuclear family is a monogamous married couple and their dependent children and usually used to define the term family. On the other hand in today’s society there are many different versions of what people call ‘a family’. Some typical family trends today are the nuclear family s explained above, a vertically extended family, which is a family containing grandparents, parents and children all living in the same household. It is 3 or more generations and other wise known as the ‘bean pole family’. The horizontally extended family is with cousins, uncles and aunties for example all living in the same house. Another basic family trend that is very popular today is the Reconstituted family. It’s a blended family with stepparents and stepbrothers and stepsisters. The lone parent family is also not a rare trend in family life with just one parent either male or female and at least one child. In the past 30 or 40 years there have been some major changes in the family and household patterns. For example: the number of traditional nuclear family households there are has fallen. Divorce rates have increased. There are fewer first marriages and more re-marriages. People are marrying later in life. More couples are cohabitating. Same-sex relationships can be legally recognized through civil marriages and are increasing, as it is becoming a norm in society now. Women are having fewer children and having them later. There are more births outside marriage. There are more lone-parent families. More people live alone and there are a lot
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