Western Influence on China and Japan

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Japan and China Paper HIS/275CA Global Civilizations to 1400-1700 Japan and China Paper China has had some interventions from the Western countries that changed China overall. In 1693 two French Jesuits using western medicine saved the life of Emperor Kangxi, emperor of the Qing Dynasty who was suffering from a malaria attack. The emperor being so grateful granted the Jesuits with funds and land for their church as well as two more establishments, a library and an observatory to study astronomy. This may not seem like a drastic change in china, but it was because the emperor survived the malaria attack. He went on to battle the Dzungars in Dzuunmond to attain Outer Mongolia as part of the Qing dynasty. As well, he liberated Tibet in 1717 who was under Dzungar control. Tibet was now part of China and the Dalai Lama, an inspiration to the world was unharmed. Second change was when Opium was introduced to China in 400 A.D by Arab traders. Opium was used as medicine to relieve pain and ease the transition to death. It became a medicinal medicine. Used by the Alexander the great to give to his soldiers on long marches, the Opium made days more tolerable. Later in time, in the East China Sea Portuguese soldiers began smoking. It was found to be more potent and it had now become a recreational drug. In the 1600’s there was a ban of tobacco in China, and the use of Opium became heavy. Third change was when China outlawed the use of Opium in 1729 unless it was for medicinal purposes, and even then in small amounts. During the next years, the British would assume control over Opium and create a monopoly. China was always independent and Western trade was non-existent. China had silk, tea and porcelain as trading goods but wanted nothing from the West except silver. The British used the ban of Opium in China to increase their trade and smuggled it into China. This
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