Ways Of Learning Language Essay

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Efficient Ways of Learning Languages Languages are neverending mysteries, waiting to be explored. Their number vary between 5,000 and 7,000. It is indeed a very fascinating topic and there is sufficient material to enrich your knowledge about it. A language is never 100% fully learned. It takes a whole life to master it, that only if one wishes for this. Many people struggle with the hard basics of some languages, other people with the writing and remembering vocabulary, and other with the hard pronunciation. It is needed an organized way to surpass these problems. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the most effective methods of learning foreign languages. Of course, an important part in learning a language is to decide which one is most…show more content…
For example, there are blogs and forums where people post short lessons and they discuss, ask questions. Also, there exist many sites with voluminous dictionaries, manuals, some extra explanations to different concepts. Of course, the information vary from site to site, and it is necessary to make a selection of the most accurate and correct material. Learning a language is not only about accumulating vocabulary. You have to combine, to use the words in order to give them a meaning. Trying to create sentences is a good way to learn and practice the language. Even if at the beginning, hesitation and fear of making mistakes interferes, if speaking is not practiced every single day, the brain gets sluggish and will never understand. Comprehension is essential because ”we acquire by understanding language that is ‘a little beyond’ our current level of competence.” (Krashen, Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition 102-103) For example, if you come across a new expression and search for the meaning, and after that, you hear it in a conversation; you will recognize that phrase, comprehend its usage and

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