Example Of A Research Paper: Immigrants In Canada

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Research paper Maliheh Assadi Professor lesline Smikle EAC 150 22, July 2013 Maliheh Assadi Professor lesline Smikle EAC 150 22, July 2013 Every year, a great amount of people from all over the world immigrated to Canada which was seemed to be a land of opportunity for their dreams to become true. “Over the past 15 years alone Canada has brought in nearly 3.5 million immigrants” (Swartz, par. 2). People leave their countries for different reasons but they all look forward for the same result: a better life. Many of the immigrants have a high level of education and great professional background, they might even have perfect job positions in their country; however, they still leave everything behind and immigrate, because they believe…show more content…
Mark Swartz called it “language obstacles”. He believed that if you don’t have the fluent language, employers may find it hard to understand you, this will decrease your chance of getting a job at a good level (par. 12). Having a high level of English in writing, listening, speaking, and reading, is crucial in finding a job. Your proficiency in English is one of the main things that employers pay attention to, when you go for a job interview. If you are qualified in other aspects but you cannot communicate because of your language skills, then you will lose your chance of getting the job. One of the other important aspects of finding a job in Canada is having a good resume. You need to have a good level of English knowledge in order to write an acceptable resume. “If you are having trouble writing your resume or cover letter, or if you are uncomfortable at the thought of negotiating with a potential employer, you will need to improve your language skills” (Cheinis, and Sproule 44). Although most immigrants study one of the official languages of Canada before they come to Canada, it seems that Canadian employers demand a higher level of fluency (Cheinis, and Sproule…show more content…
Most of the Canadian employers refuse to hire people if they don’t have Canadian experience (Cheinis, and Sproul 58). “According to Jeffery Lee, employment specialist, employers look for Canadian work experience so that employees are familiar with workplace culture, social cues, and expectations” (Swartz, par. 3). Lupic, in his article about survival job for newcomers mentioned that according to statistic Canada, in July 2008, the majority of immigrants to Canada are educated people but the rate of unemployment among them is far more than the rate among Canadian with less education (par. 10). He said that this rate simply showed the importance of something else rather than qualification in getting a job, which he thought might be the Canadian experience (par. 13). If you don’t have Canadian experience, for the employers, it means that you are not familiar with Canadian work place and work culture. As newcomers, people are from different countries with different culture and beliefs. It is hard for an employer to recognize if the new person without any experience in Canada is the right person for the position or no. Although having Canadian experience is an essential part of finding a job, it does not mean that you cannot gain Canadian experience. There are different ways to help newcomers gain Canadian experience such as volunteer work, bridge and co-op programs, and Canadian practice
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