War: a Noble Human Experience?

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Bryan Downey Mosaic, IH 852 Section March 7, 2013 Unit 2: Power- Do you think war is a good (even noble) and necessary part of human experience, or a barbaric anti-human activity? Make an argument citing examples from our texts. While it is obvious that war destroys millions of lives, it can be argued that it has probably saved millions of lives as well. Wars spawn new life-saving technology, stimulate economies, and force countries to continuously engage in higher forms of diplomacy. War created the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions, and the Red Cross. So, it can be argued that what brings out the very worst in the human condition also, in a very warped way, brings out the best in us as well. War, by definition, means a period of conflict. The opinions about war alter from person to person and year to year. If a military expert or the president is questioned, he might think wars are good because they can boast about military efficiency. People go to war to prove a point or to fight for one’s country. In the war for independence, the colonists fought for freedom from Great Britain. There were many people who died or were injured, but they all risked their lives for an ideal, the essence of freedom. However, there are others who go to war for greed and power. Agamemnon is one such ruler. As king of the Achaeans, Agamemnon feels the burden of responsibility and war most strongly. Agamemnon is a powerful man who does not care what other people think of him. He feels strong emotions and goes with them entirely. Agamemnon is in power, not because he was elected by the people or put there by a king, but purely because he was able to bring the most to the war. He had the most material items and troops so he was placed in command. The people did not necessarily want him to rule. This makes his position very unsolidified. With no strict

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