How Rome Fell Dorian Goldsworthy Analysis

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Adrian Goldsworthy. How Rome Fell: Death of a Superpower. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009. x + 53.1 Adrian Goldsworthy, “How Rome Fell” gives the reader an inside look on the many factors that took place in the decline of the Western Ancient Rome. He also did a comparison on who are the modern nations or country being compared to Rome in the way they rule or influence other countries. He emphasized mainly on United States in his comparison. He ensured that the modern nations are not trying to make the same mistake that cause the decline of Ancient Rome. It took a while and many emperors until the Western Ancient Rome was not longer the empire they used to be and many more years later for the Eastern Ancient Rome to be divided…show more content…
Marcus Aurelius’ time as an emperor, Ancient Rome was living in harmony and the empire was very rich and big and the military forces was strong and united as well as the senate. With many nations under their command, Ancient Rome was at their top of the history during his reign. After his death, the country became destabilized because his son was not a strong leader and he was corrupted. During the time of Aurelius’s son reign, corruption started to be seem more than ever. Another event that showed the decline of Ancient Rome was when the empire was split into two nations with two emperors. The main reason for the split was the geographical and political factors that was causing the empire to have some disturbances among their providences due to not having the emperor presented when they needed his guidance or advices on was needed. The emperor could not be at two places at once to take care of matter that requested his presence all the time and the many laws and rules were not follow by everyone in the empire due to the time it took to get the message around the whole empire. Plus in the past travels between the different parts of the empire use to take months to get around while now a leader has the technology and mode of transportations that make them possible to make decision and be present at different location that…show more content…
The comparison comes as both nations always try to influence or help other nations that need help with either military force or diplomacy. Adrian Goldsworthy showed to the readers the political and military reasons why Ancient Rome fell apart and compares their ups and downs to a nation now that has overcome their ups and downs and still be strong nation. Many nations now learn from past nation’s mistake and try their harder to overcome it and not to make the same decision again. The Romans were still be a great empire today if they had the written notes about the mistakes they made from one emperors to the other of from one form of government to the new form of government as the current nations have
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