The Fall of the Roman Empire in Comparison to the Recent Decline of the Us

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Global Studies I & II The fall of the Roman Empire and the decline of the United States The traditional date given for the fall of the Roman Empire in the west is A.D. 476. The process for the fall of the Roman Empire took many centuries to unfold. There is no one cause for the fall of the empire, but everyone has there opinions on what caused such a great empire to fall. Some people think the empire fell because of its leaders becoming far too cocky and didn’t pay attention to the necessary things needed to keep an empire running strong, while others blame the cause on religion and say things like “god did it” or “god wanted it to happen”. Whatever the cause of the fallen Empire of Rome, many people have been comparing it to the recent decline of the US on the world stage, which also has many of its own causes. One reasonable cause of the Roman Empire is its military/army. Many people say that the army got out of hand due to lowering of standards of discipline. When the disciplinary standards of the army began to decline, so did the empire. The reason for this is because the army couldn’t defend the empire. Due to the army not being able to defend the empire, other regions quickly stepped up and tried to make the empire part of their own. The barbarians succeeded, and the Barbarian General Odoacer simply deposed the boy Emperor Romulus Augustulus and took the empire for himself. Another reasonable cause of the Roman Empire would be bankruptcy. Its leaders who became far too selfish and self-absorbed bankrupted Rome. The leaders of Rome were determined to hoard the huge wealth of the empire and enhance their own wealth greater than what it was. The leaders were not worrying about the economy the way they should have been, and the economy failed causing taxes and food prices to skyrocket. The people of Rome could not

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