Vp Debate Pros And Cons

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V P Debate This was a very heated debate, with several hard issues facing America were discussed. I felt the most heated issues were Iran, Israel, Economy, Tax Cuts, Defense, ObamaCare and abortion. Iran Biden- Felt Obama’s administration has put enough sanctions on Iran in reference to nuclear weapons, and feels that Iran is under control in making weapons. Ryan- Felt Obama’s administration has been weak on sanctions against Iran and nuclear weapons are clear and present danger. I felt Ryan won this debate on Iran over Biden, VP Biden was laughing and interrupted Ryan several times and in my opinion, it was always when Ryan was making a point that Biden didn’t want made. Israel Ryan- Expressed that Obama’s administration has been neglectful…show more content…
I thought it ended in chaos and disrespect was again demonstrated by VP Biden. ObamaCare Biden- didn’t really discuss or back ObamaCare all he focused on was how Romney/Ryan was going to take a way Medicare and Medicare benefits. (Broken record) Ryan- Again tried to explain how Romney/Ryan would save Medicare and again Biden caused chaos and didn’t let Ryan get a full sentence out. I felt the debate was a little out of control at this time and Biden was being very rude and unprofessional. Abortion Ryan- was heartfelt honest on his view s of abortion, and pro-life choice. Biden didn’t express his personal view, but jumped on the ban wagon of women’s rights and the government should pay for abortions I felt Ryan was the most honest about this issue and answered the question better than Biden. I felt Biden avoided the question and changed the subject. In conclusion I felt Ryan was honorable and professional handling the tough questions and had good answers. Biden used his body language and altitude to distract the issues at hand and not a very good representation of what I want my VP of the United States to be. God Bless
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