Comprehensive Sex Education Vs Abstinence Education

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Comprehensive Sexual Education vs. Abstinence-Only Sexual Education has become one of America’s most debatable subjects between people. Right wing conservatives argue that schools should only teach abstinence-only programs, while social liberals argue that American schools should teach comprehensive programs that promote abstinence. Abstinence-only programs only discuss the narrow topic of abstaining from sex usually until marriage because it will avoid the risk of pregnancy, STDs, and later on will benefit the sexual bond with one’s ultimate partner. Now abstinence may be the best overall choice but that certainly does not mean teens are going to abstain because of this. The problem with abstinence only programs is that they do not teach…show more content…
The questionable problems that arise from Comprehensive Sexual Education include promotion of teen sex, and the morality of schools, instead of parents, promoting and teaching sexual education. According to Jane Friedman’s report, teen pregnancy has significantly declined since 1991 (1). Right wing conservatives credit abstinence-only programs for this statistic and liberals believe it is their contraception program. “ The federal government only funds abstinence education, even though at least 75 percent of parents say they want teens to be taught about both abstinence and contraception” (1). Although abstinence would be a significantly better choice, it is important for teens to know the consequences of sexual intercourse. Those who value abstaining from sex have this belief for a variety of reasons. The first reason is that it helps youth avoid…show more content…
The comprehensive program is the best method in teaching teen’s sexual education. Comprehensive programs teach safe sex and promote abstinence while abstinence-only programs just teach to abstain from sex until marriage. Like stated earlier abstinence is affective but teens most likely will act against it. The best option would be to promote abstinence and teach the safe ways to engage in sex if it comes down to that point. By letting teens try and figure out sex on their own only increases the risk of STDs and pregnancy. Not being informed is worse than being informed and knowing the safest way to approach the situation. Through Jane Friedman’s article “Do abstinence-only programs discourage teen sex” on CQ Researcher, one can learn that the sexual debate should be given to the comprehensive sexual education side. There are too many problems with the abstinence-only program and almost every argument on their side can be argued. Comprehensive sexual education is the best way to reduce the number of STD’s and teen pregnancy in the United
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