Violence In The Media

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Violence: The affects of media on adolescence Violence is lurking around every corner. In the past few years more and more violence has been coming out of the woodwork. People don’t realize how much violence has increased over the past few years. You hear parents telling their kids, while they are watching a violent move, “it’s just a movie”, or “that only happens in movies”, but in reality those things on movies really do happen. People also think that violence only happens in bad parts of towns or in bad cities, but violence can happen anywhere at any time. You are starting to see more and more instances of violence in the media, such as new papers and on the news. Does violence on T.V and in the media promote violence in society? Although violence is cool to see in movies and to play on video games, it is starting to show its effects in our society. Violence on T.V and in the media promotes violence in society through movies, media and video games. As of late there is starting to be more violence put into movies. Since there is a large majority of people that watch movies, this has a big affect on violence in society. Movie producers use violence to set the tone of the movie. Producers do this because people like to see a good fight scene, or a particularly gory horror scene, because it grabs their attention and draws them deeper into the plotline. What these producers don’t know is that this exposure causes an increase in aggression and violence. “The average child watches 8,000 televised murders and 100,000 acts of violence before finishing elementary school.”(Anderson) With this there is both short term and long term effects. Freedman says, “exposure to media causes children to behave more aggressively and affect them as adults later.” Short term effects are that there is an increase in aggression after a movie for at least 20 minutes. The long term
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