Vagina Monologues Essay

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Last Saturday (2/16/13) I attended the 10th annual Vagina Monologues at Cal Poly. This was my first time going to the show and I'm so glad that I went. I bought my ticket a few days before the show and I'm happy I did because it sold out quickly. The array of monologues ranged from hysterical to depressing. All of the monologues shared a common theme of addressing women's issues and celebrating them in all its glory. Eve Ensler created the show based on a series of interviews she had with several types of women. The show's objective is to get rid of the embarrassment that is associated with the vagina as well as to make women feel comfortable talking about issues including rape, sexuality, childbirth, body image and many more. My favorite monologues were Hair, The "Wear and Say" Lists, My Angry Vagina and The Vagina Workshop. Particularly, Hair and My Angry Vagina discussed how society thinks the vagina should be hairless and smell like flowers and should not be left in its natural state. The "Wear and Say" List was a great transition after the Hair monologue. The girls exposed what their vagina would wear if it could be dressed and say if it could talk. The Vagina Workshop was about a woman who had a self-discovery experience with her vagina. It portrayed the relationships that females have with their vagina. Many women acknowledge that they have vaginas, but also don't take the time to get familiar with it. Some of the more serious monologues were: They Beat The Girl Out of My Boy, My Vagina Was a Village and The Little Coochie Snorcher. These monologues addressed important issues such as rape and violence. These scenes were very touching and emotional for the audience. The show ended with a powerful short film called "One Billion Rising" followed by everyone dancing. Majority of the audience stood up and danced for the remainder of the show. All

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