Using Proper Chain of Command

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Properly Using Chain of Command and Obeying a Non-Commissioned Officer The chain of command in every unit is essential. The chain of command gives and receives orders. The chain of command looks out for the morale and welfare of its soldiers. With using the chain of command the soldiers issue can be handled at the lowest level possible. When I have an issue I go to my NCO first and if the issue isn’t handled I take it to the next highest ranking. This ensures my squad leader is aware of my situation and they can help me out without me stepping on their toes. My chain of command at the company level consists of my squad leader, plt Sgt, 1sg, and Co. By utilizing my chain of command properly I will notify my squad leader first. In doing so, I am not stepping on her toes and keeping her informed of my situation. In an event she is unavailable or unable to assist me then my plt sgt will be notified and so on. In utilizing your chain of command this will keep you from getting in trouble and receiving corrective training as well as getting your issue handled quicker. By having a chain of command shows who is in charge from the lowest to the highest level. If there was no chain of command then everyone would think they are in charge. For example, during wartime battles would have not been won. Thus, the chain of command is important from the highest level down to the lowest level. Obeying a Noncommissioned officer is important in my daily duty day as a soldier. In combat related situations orders are carried out without discussion and hesitation. A soldier does not realize why things happen the way they do in the military but they must follow orders from people who out rank them. They can receive corrective training as well as an article 15 and then even get separated from the military. Non Commissioned officers lead from the front and instill discipline and guidance
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