Army Profession Of Arms

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Is the Army a Profession of Arms? 1LT Todd Whitson Argumentative Essay Signal Captains Career Course 19 October 2012 Ideally the Army would be a “Profession of Arms” as defined by General Dempsey, “a vocation comprised of experts certified in the ethical application of land combat power, serving under civilian authority, entrusted to defend the Constitution and the rights and interests of the American people.” By this very definition in the White Paper on the “Profession of Arms” the United States Army is not a “Profession of Arms.” To prove this I will answer three critical questions: 1. Are all Soldiers professionals? 2. Do Soldiers join the Army because it’s a calling?…show more content…
In fact, many join hoping they never have to see combat. I’ve heard Soldiers say, “I did not join the Army to do this. I joined for the college money.” The Army has an array of educational benefits. In terms of education, there is Tuition Assistance, which is $4500.00 a year. There is the Montgomery G.I. Bill, which is available to service members to help with education and training costs. Soldiers invest $1200.00 and can receive over $50,000.00 worth of education benefits. Also, there is the Post-911 G.I. Bill that can be used for on the job training, apprenticeships, and non-college degree programs. Furthermore, for those who have already attained a degree, there are student loan repayment plans that can pay up to $65,000 for active duty…show more content…
While I agree with General Dempsey’s view on how to form the Army into a “Profession of Arms,” I don’t think today’s Army is quite there yet. I think The Army is going in the right direction but it will take time to change the culture. We need to understand that it is virtually impossible for all Soldiers to be professionals based on experience and expertise alone. We need to understand that not all Soldiers join today for honor, tradition, and/or wanting to be a part of a team. Soldiers are joining the military more and more to have a secure job with benefits for themselves and their family members. We also need to find a better way to ensure the training the Soldiers are getting is retainable and either provides or enhances expertise in their field. The United States Army is currently not a “Profession of Arms” but with time and General Dempsey’s vision you never

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