Marine Corps Gear Accountability

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GEAR ACCOUNTABILITY By PFC BARNEY In our United States Marine Corps today, there seems to be one problem amongst our Marines that can have very light and also very severe consequences. This problem is losing issued gear and/or not having full accountability of all of our issued gear. Losing a small piece of issued gear or some small pieces of equipment doesn’t seem like it would have a big effect on the Marine or his peers, but actually it can have a huge effect. There are many important reasons to be checking your gear constantly to keep proper Marine Corps issued gear accountability as a Marine in the United States Marine Corps. It is the Marine’s responsibility to always have proper Marine Corps issued gear accountability…show more content…
It’s absolutely important for us to maintain full accountability in the Marine Corps because not only are we under-funded, which makes replacing lost gear a huge hassle, but it instills discipline in our Marines and helps them build a stronger character by maintaining full gear retention at all times. When a Marine keeps full accountability of issued gear, it illustrates to that Marine’s peers that the Marine is squared away. The more squared away the Marine is, the better off he/she will be in garrison and in country. When a Marine shows that he can take care of himself and keep full accountability of his issued gear then that Marine demonstrates the ability to take care of his other Marines as well look out for their well-being. When a Marine keeps full accountability of issued gear, then he/she will have fewer things to worry about and will be able to concentrate more on the mission that needs to be completed. When a Marine is not practicing proper issued gear accountability that Marine will lose his Marine Corps issued gear and other things that he/she could be carrying with them. Proper Marine Corps issued gear accountability and gear retention is the key to being more reliable to your fellow Marines and to your peers in the Marine Corps. Each and every Marine should have no problem keeping constant proper accountability of all or their issued gear. As it was mentioned before, lost gear and not having full accountability can have minor or severe consequences. It’s important for each Marine to train with all their gear, so when they are in country, they know how to properly use everything they were issued. If a Marine is missing something during training, then it’s possible that he/she didn’t receive complete training due to their lack of gear retention. If that Marine didn’t properly train then his peers and fellow Marines will have to pick up the slack for him/her which

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