Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cbt

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Summary The article by Tan (2007) discusses proper and ethically acceptable application of prayers as a form of therapy. The author presents the use of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) from a Scriptural (Biblical) perspective. The key components of scripture-based CBT highlighted in the article are as follows. The first one is the need to underscore the value of God’s love and the establishment of a cordial relationship with the client. Second, conduct a comprehensive recollection and healing of the past events that led to the present problem (s). Third, emphasize the spiritual dimension of life while paying little attention to rational approach to life. Fourth, attribute the cause of feelings on the problem to personal thoughts and initiate behavioral changes to the teachings of the Holy Spirit, which include prayers and total dependences on God for solutions. Other major components of CBT are focused on factors related to religion, families, culture and society ensuring that methods used are based on the truth of Scriptures, and they lead to holiness and application of result-based methods of research prior to articulating importance of CBT. Christian CBT is mainly based on clear integration, which involves direct use off divine resources. The stages of prayer include a prayer for protection and petitioning for healing power of the Holy Spirit, making the client feel relaxed, and allowing the client to recollect traumatic past events. It also involves petition for ministration of the Holy Spirit, waits for the Holy Spirit to minister to the client, ends the session in a joint prayer, briefly discusses the healing experienced by the client and recommends guidelines for personal prayers. The therapist should focus on correct interpretation of Scriptures and use appropriate guidelines during counseling. The use of Scriptures should be guided by the reason behind
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