Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Process

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy a Godly Process Liberty University Summary The article’s title, “Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” speaks to the substance of knowledge and understanding held within. The author addresses the use of thoughtful scientifically based inclusive of spirituality and more directly Christianity. Drawing from his experience and well received statistical data, the author Siang-Yang Tan imparts the positive impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) inclusive of prayer, scripture and Biblical focused processes on mental and emotional healing and well-being when applied in a thoughtful and principled manner. “In this article, I will describe the appropriate and ethical use of prayer, including inner healing prayer, and scripture or the Bible in a biblical, Christian approach to CBT that I have developed and practiced for over 25 years” (Tan, 2007). Tan addressed several areas…show more content…
In many studies that address this issue of Christian based CBT there seems to be the approach that spirituality is only a compliment to secular counseling methods and that the type or religious process involved was not crucial to the process. This was not the case in Tans article, Tan imparts to the reader that the Christian based processes of faith, prayer, scripture and meditation of the word, the will and the power of God were complemented by secular counseling methods to impart greater success in client wellness. “We can observe what the effects of prayer and spiritual understanding are, and advise clients as to how they can use Scripture, how they can worship, and so forth in a way most helpful to them” (Tan, 2007). This aspect of faith and the realness of Gods ability and desire to heal are of primary importance to me as both a Christian and a student of CBT counseling

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