Liberty University | THE KINGDOM OF GOD | ONE THOUSAND YEAR MILLENIAL REIGN | A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO PROFESSORGEORGE SMITHIN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR BIBLE 450BY | SUSAN SMITH | 5/14/2011 | THE KINGDOM OF GOD This work will seek to examine the various views of the Millennial Kingdom, the literal teachings of its nature, government, inhabitants, and relationship to the ancient prophecies concerning Israel. A correct view of the Kingdom is, in this writer’s opinion, very significant because no other doctrine has had such a profound effect on the Christian mindset concerning the continuing role of Israel in prophecy. Many have thought to spiritualize
Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. "The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ Free Bible Study Guides." Free Bible Study Guides: Practical Answers—Real Hope.
The book comprehensively discusses the concept of mental health and how biblical counseling addresses the whole person, body, mind, soul, and spirit. Health Promotion Practice, 9(1), 68-75.Salladay, S. Until then, it is perhaps best if his methods and steps are restricted to those who are not suffering from serious disorders with life-threatening consequences. Therapy with God. Theme #1 - Integration of Theology and Psychology One of the basic themes in Anderson's (23) book is the idea that one’s identity in Christ can be fostered by counseling derived from a model based on Anderson's integration of both theology and psychology. The problem with this claim is that, like many of Anderson's claims, it is untested.
Journal Article Review II: The Church as Forgiving Community: An Initial Model Journal Article Review II: The Church As Forgiving Community: An Initial Model Summary Magnuson and Enright (2008) offer a discussion of forgiveness and how important it is to the complex human being. Forgiveness is first recognized in the Bible. It is a way of ending resentment and responding to others in a generously. Forgiveness does not involve forgetting the unjust act that occurred, but it offers mercy to the offender (Magnuson & Enright, 2008). Even though forgiveness is a part of the Church in that it is expressed in God's Word, social scientists such as Smedes (1984) and Worthington and DiBlasio (1990) explored the topic even more in the recent years.
A COMPARISON PAPER: CRABB’S EFFECTIVE BIBLICAL COUNSELING Dr. Larry Crabb believes that “God has ordained the local church to be His primary instrument to tend to his people's aches and pains.” He lays out a counseling plan for the local church to use in his book, Effective Biblical Counseling: A Model for Helping Caring Christians Become Capable Counselors (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1977). In this standard textbook for Christian counselors, he reminds us that people “will never be happy if [they are] concerned primarily with becoming happy (Crabb, page 22).” The real goal of life and thus the path of happiness is glorifying God and serving others. SUMMARY: The author’s theory/methodology 1. Primary goal (What is the desired outcome?) Dr. Crabb shares that the biblical goal of counseling goals should be to help people move over to the path of righteousness (Crabb, 28); and help them move up in their maturity to be like Christ (Crabb, 29).
This book is centered on the truth of Christ and deliberately focuses the counselor maintaining their Christian belief as they implement their counseling methods. This demonstrates how the clinician can respect the client while using Christian values in therapies to help the client to understand their pain and make emotional changes in their thinking patterns. This book is an excellent resource for those planning a career in counseling. It focuses not only on the integration of Theology, Spirituality and Psychology into Christian counseling but also focuses on how life situations can foster brokenness and how brokenness can be beneficial to the client. This book also teaches how the counselor should apply his Christian faith in and out of therapy sessions.
In many different ways, however, one way stands out the most and that is his ability to organize the information and make easy for the reader to understand the material. This information can be acknowledged by the way he prepared the information in a structured manner to assist the counselor. Another thing that is to be commended is the author’s ability to implement scriptures as a reference point to draw strength from God’s Word to support with life difficulties. One negative that has been determined in the text is the data regarding confrontation Wright emphases the counseling abilities such as empathy and he narrates these skills to actions Jesus put on a display. Wright also, narrates confrontation to articulating empathy for an individual in assisting them to make healthier choices.
Matthew 16:16-17 (Holman Christian Standard Bible) [ 12 ]. “I Tell You the Truth,” Guided By Truth Ministries, October 2, 2013, accessed October 2, 2013, [ 13 ]. John Piper, interviewed by Phil Johnson, October 07, 2006. [ 14 ]. Brian D. McLaren and Tony Campolo, Adventures in Missing the Point (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003), 84 [ 15 ].
The biggest difference that defines the AACC code is their mission which is described to “… help achieve the primary goals of the AACC- to bring honor to Jesus Christ and his church, promote excellence in Christian counseling, and bring unity to Christian counselors” (AACC Code of Ethics, 2004.) The code was written with a biblical foundation which inspires all of the ethical guidelines. The AACC (2004) code began with 7 foundations outlining the base for their Professional Counselors to follow all being Christ centered. The ACA Code of Ethics focused more on being open to cultural differences. One example was found in their preamble “Association members recognize diversity and embrace a cross-cultural approach in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of people within their social and cultural contexts (ACA Code of Ethics, 2005.)
Summary and Practical Application of Larry Crabb’s method of effective Christian Counseling Ronald Ruben Liberty University November 1, 2014 Abstract This paper explores Larry Crabb’s methodology of Christian Counseling. It provides a brief summary on the techniques used and how this contributes to the discipline of counseling. In the book Effective Biblical Counseling Dr. Larry Crabb provides the framework for one to effectively handle biblical counseling and the methodology of establishing a counseling program in a local church. The author helps the reader understand the importance in establishing goals and finding a way to effectively achieve these goals using biblical and secular principles. Crabb also discusses the difference