Us Beef Industry

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U.S Beef Industry Beef is the culinary name for meat from cattle. Beef may be collected from cows, bulls or heifers. This is one of the main meat used in the kitchens of the Middle East, Pakistan, Australia, Argentina, Europe and the United States of America, and it is also important in Africa, parts of East Asia and Southeast Asia. Beef is considered a taboo food in some cultures, especially Indian culture, and that is not avoided by the Hindus and Jains are discouraged among some Buddhists. Animal Industry is the largest U.S. agricultural sector - the meat and milk production usually accounts for more than 40% of the national agricultural production. [Segarra and Rawson, 2001] In the year 2003, total beef production is estimated at 27 billion dollars, of which U.S. $ 3,266,000,000 were exported. [S. U. Department of Agriculture, Raine, 2004] According to Steve Kay, editor and publisher of Cattle Buyers the largest importer of U.S. beef is Japan – it consumes about 32 percent of U.S. exports. The following are South Korea, Mexico and Canada. However, after diagnosing the first case of mad cow disease, Japan approved a ban on beef from the United States. [Raine, 2004] Rob Cannell beef and pork is the main recipient of McDonald's, which now sells hamburgers so much in one day - 15 million - as in all the 1953rd It serves 25 million customers a day at its 14,000 locations in the U.S. menu, McDonald's has grown considerably, but the beef remains the core of business success. McDonald's is the largest single recipient of beef in the United States, nearly a billion pounds., For about 1.3 billion U.S. dollars of each year. Cattle is fed by large beef feedlots called concentrated animal operations (CAFOs). They contain thousands of animals in group pens. Most feedlots require some type of permits and plans to deal with large amounts of waste generated. Cattle
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