Unit Shc 23

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Unit SHC 23 Introduction to equality and inclusion in health, social care or children's and young people’s settings Outcome 1 Understand the importance of equality and inclusion 1. Diversity means that everybody is different and the differences can be seen in many ways such as: * Appearance * Gender * Race * Culture * Ability * Talent * Beliefs We don’t always recognise or value the differences in the people we meet. These differences make us individuals giving us different perspectives, different ways of thinking about things and varied approaches to situations we find ourselves in. Equality means treating everybody equally while respecting their differences. Not labelling or stereotyping individuals that we meet. Inclusion is about ensuring there are no barriers that exclude people or make it difficult to participate in society. This means working to reduce any barriers or obstacles that prevent people living their lives as fully and as equally as all others. This can be achieved by providing information in audio format or braille, providing automatic doors, making sure that the processes for obtaining support are easy to access and by asking what changes need to be made for an individual to participate and then making the changes happen. Discrimination is when a person or a group of people are treated less favourably than everyone else. It can be directly aimed at an individual for example if a person holds different beliefs or it can be indirect such as chanting at an opposing football team. 2. Discrimination may occur in the work place when a support worker ignores diversity and the needs of the service user or any people who are different to themselves. By criticising or verbally abusing someone who is different or making assumptions, labelling or stereotyping and using negative body language. By excluding a
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