Unit Scp 2.1 Research

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Unit SCMP 2 1.1 The factors that influence the well-being of children and young people are the following : • Attachment – children to form strong relationships with their parents for their emotional well-being which plays an important part in a child’s development. • Relationships – Good relationships influence body language, facial expressions and ways in which children listen and talk to others. • Emotional security – builds children’s confidence. • Health – this is paramount for a child to develop in all areas, they say ‘a healthy child is a happy child’. • Self-esteem – giving lots of praise and encouragement. • Diet – what children eat and drink will affect their health and development therefore children need a good diet including…show more content…
This can be done by parents giving unconditional love and expressing their love both physically and verbally by holding, rocking, and stroking and by using soothing words to calm, comfort, and encourage their child to calm themselves. Parents need to enforce rules for children use removal of privileges and other forms of discipline that do not harm, or reject their child. By role modelling behaviour that communicates confidence, optimism, and good results for their children. All children thrive and blossom when they are praised, so this is important for a child’s well-being. Children need to be encouraged to try things and do things on their own with minimal adult help. When language is developing, it’s important to acknowledge and label the child's feelings so the child can be encouraged to recognise their own feelings and express them. Parents also need to use language to reinforce aspects of resilience to help their child face adversity: for example, `I know you can do it' as this encourages autonomy and reinforces a child's faith their own problem-solving skills; `I'm here' comforts and reminds their child of the trusting relationships that can be relied on. Each child develops at different rates so parents need to be aware of their own and their child's temperaments so that they can gauge how quickly or slowly to introduce changes, how much…show more content…
A sense of identity is about who you think you are and how you perceive yourself and how you define yourself. It is important that children develop a positive image of their own. Having a positive image means that they are self-confident. Children learn to know their own limits and trust their own abilities. Children who have a positive image enjoy their lives and can handle themselves in tough situations. In order for children to build self-confidence, parents need to show confidence in their children. Children are not born with this trait; it is developed and nurtured in the child's environment. Confidence from adults gives the child the ability to handle new challenges and activities. A young child's self-image tends to be descriptive, rather than judgmental. During sessions I would promote self-identity and self-esteem by paying attention to what a child is doing or saying to me, making sure I have eye contact with them so they know that I am listening. I would offer empathy, if a child gets frustrated because they can't do things his peers can, I would show empathy and then emphasize their strengths. I would provide encouragement and praise as this helps children to thrive and learn and builds their self-esteem. By role modelling this behaviour this will hopefully encourage parents to do the
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