Unit 4222-237 Dementia Awareness

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Health & Social Care Level 2 Unit 4222-237 Outcome 1 1 – There are different types of dementia and tend to affect people differently, especially in the early stages. A person with dementia will have cognitive symptoms (problems with thinking or memory). They will often have problems with some of the following: Day to day memory, difficulty recalling events that happened recently, concentrating, planning or organizing, difficulties making decisions, carrying out tasks eg cooking a meal, dressing. Difficulties following conversations, or finding the right words to use, problems judging distances or focusing on objects, losing track of days and time, becoming confused about where they are. As well as these cognitive symptoms, a person with dementia will often have changes in their mood. For example, they may become frustrated or irritable, withdrawn, anxious, easily upset or unusually sad. Dementia is progressive which means the symptoms gradually get worse over time. How quickly dementia progresses varies greatly from person to person. As dementia progresses, the person may develop behavior problems which may seem out of character. These behaviors may include repetitive questioning, pacing, restlessness or agitation. A person with dementia, especially in the later stages, may also show signs of physical symptoms such as muscle weakness or weight loss. Changes in sleep pattern and appetite are also common. 2 - The brain, along with the spinal cord, makes up the central nervous system, and it is this that controls all of our body’s functions. The brain is made up of cells. Within the brain there are billions of nerve cells that are known as neurons. These neurons communicate with each other and with other parts of the body by sending messages (impulses) via a system of nerve pathways. The brain sends signals to the body and to other parts of the brain in

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