Unit 203 - Principles Od Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Adult Social Care Settings

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1.1a) Diversity simply means a variety of things. It is understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising our individual differences. These can range from race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive and nurturing environment. 1.1b) Equality simply means equal rights for people regardless of what factors they might have that are different. Equality States that because they are human they must be equal. 1.1c) Inclusion is the action or state of including or being included within a group. 1.1d) Discrimination means treating a person or group less favourably than another in the same situation, usually on account of their race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or religion. 1.2) Direct discrimination in the work setting could be where someone is refused a job because they are in a wheelchair or because of their race or religion. Indirect discrimination in a work setting could be where a person could be told they have the job but they can only work on the bottom floor as there is no lift. 1.3) Practises that support diversity, equality and inclusion can reduce the likelihood of discrimination. By getting to know people from diverse backgrounds and ethnicity helps remove negative stereotypes. The problem that some people observe is that practices that cross over the line to provide preferential status to protected groups can result in less qualified people getting jobs and actually reinforcing negative stereotypes when compared to people who are fully qualified. The solution has been to try to only implement action in cases where candidates are equally qualified, and then only until the proportion of smaller groups reaches the proportion found in the population itself. This reduces
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