Unit 202 Outcome 3 (3.1)

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STLS unit 202 CYPW unit 007 Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People Outcome 3 (3.1) List some of the physical signs (what you might see on a child’s body) and the behavioural indicators (how a child might behave) that may raise concerns for a child’s welfare.| Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse is when a parent or carer behaves in a way that is likely to seriously affect their child's emotional development. It can range from constant rejection and denial of affection, through to continual severe criticism, deliberate humiliation and other ways of verbally "terrorising" a child. www.nspcc.org.uk/ Physical signs and symptoms·1 Sudden speech disorders ·2 Self-harm ·3 Developmental delay in terms of emotional progress ·4 Continual self-depreciation ('I'm stupid, ugly, worthless, etc') |Behavioural Indicators·5 Neurotic behaviour (rocking, hair twisting, self-mutilation) ·6 Being unable to play ·7 Fear of making mistakes ·8 Fear of parent being approached regarding their behaviour | Physical Abuse Physical abuse includes hitting, shaking, kicking, punching, scalding, suffocating and other ways of inflicting pain or injury to a child. It also includes giving a child harmful substances, such as drugs, alcohol or poison. If a parent or carer reports non-existent symptoms of illness in a child, or deliberately causes illness in a child, this is also a form of physical abuse. www.nspcc.org.uk/ Physical signs and symptoms·9 Unexplained bruising, marks or injuries on any part of the body ·10 Multiple bruises- in clusters, often on the upper arm, outside of the thigh ·11 Cigarette burns ·12 Human bite marks ·13 Scalds, with upward splash marks, ·14 Broken bones |Behavioural Indicators·15 Fear of parents being approached for an explanation ·16 Aggressive behaviour or severe temper outbursts ·17 Withdrawn behaviour
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