Unit 2 Sleeping Disorders Research Paper

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Describe and evaluate explanations of two sleeping disorders Insomnia can be classified into three types such as not being able to fall asleep (initial insomnia), not being able to get back to sleep (middle insomnia) and waking up too early (terminal insomnia). Insomnia cannot be defined by the number of hours of sleep a person has because there are huge individual differences in what is normal for each person and also there are age related differences. Insomnia can occur on its own with no underlying cause for more than a month (DSM definition). The sufferer may feel stress or depressed but as a result of the insomnia but is not the cause of the insomnia and there may have been an identifiable cause but this has disappeared however the insomnia…show more content…
Apnoea is a disorder where people stop breathing while sleeping, the pause may last few seconds or minutes which may occur 5-30 times an hour. Other parasomnias include sleep walking and teeth grinding that increase the likelihood that a person experiences insomnia. Personality is another factor as high levels of emotional arousal increase the likelihood of feeling anxious. In one study is was found that insomniacs were more likely to internalise psychological disturbance rather than acting out problems or being aggressive (kales et al 1976). It is important to distinguish between primary and secondary insomnia because of the treatment you receive. It insomnia is a symptom it would make sense to treat the disorder that is causing the insomnia rather than…show more content…
For example is insomnia was the symptom of chronic depression it would be useless to treat the symptom. Recent research doubts on

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