Unit 115 Essay

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|115 / 1 |1 |Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own | | | | |working practice. | | | | |There are many legislations that relate to positive practice in supporting positive behaviour, these are as follows: | | | | |UN Convention On The Rights Of a Child. In particular article 37 which states that children who break the law should not be treated | | | | |cruelly, they should not be put in prison with adults and should be able to keep in contact with their families. This is applied in | | | | |my working practice as when a child has negative behaviour, they are dealt with approved strategic approaches. This does not include| | | | |punitive punishments, where necessary the child or young person may need to be seen by the police due to their actions. There are | | | | |policies and procedures in place to ensure that the child is supported through this process. | | | | |The Data Protection Act (1989) and The Codes Of Practice state that I must keep all personal information secure and not share this | | | | |information with anyone that does not need to know. In practice I ensure that all individual information such as diaries, IEP’s, | | | | |medical information etc. is locked in the office and only staff and the young person can access their file. The computers are all
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