Try Not to Become a Man of Success but Rather a Man of Value

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Do you all know who this famous person is? He is a German born physicist. He is known for his theories on special relativity and general relativity. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in the year 1921. ( Points at picture) This famous person is Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein once said Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.This is my topic for today. What does it mean Try not to become a man of success but rather a man of value? Well, becoming someone of success is only a fraction of the bigger picture. Success can not be placed on a scale and weighed by any factors in your life nor can it be judged by the accomplishments you have tackled. Therefore, the word success becomes truly what it is, just a word. The dictionary defines the word success as one that succeeds but succeeds at what? Succeeds at meeting his goals or succeeds at life? If you think that becoming successful is reaching the goals you have set for yourself and you are constantly setting goals to better improve your lifestyle, your health, your future; then let me ask you this. If you have succeeded in obtaining your goals and you continue to set new goals to make you and your family life better, how can you be a success if you have yet to succeed with your new goals? There is actually an answer to this and Albert Einstein figured it out decades ago. Become someone of value. Let's look at that closer. Become someone of value. What does that mean? What is the difference between becoming a man of success and becoming a man of value? Success is about what you have earned and value is about what you can offer from what you have earned. Becoming someone of value represents a much larger and more important part of your life. If you succeed in everything in your life but do not give back with what you have learned from your accomplishments than you become
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