Syntax And Diction In John F. Kennedy's Speech

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John F. Kennedy’s purpose to his inauguration is to inspire the citizens of the United States, and to persuade his audience to merely participate in transferring his several goals into reality. It is clearly stated in Kennedy’s inauguration speech that help will be needed by the world if these goals will ever be achieved. In the act of persuading his audience Kennedy uses many rhetoric strategies to achieve the support from his audience that he is hoping for. In my analysis I can assert that Kennedy establishes his purpose in a persuasive way through his distinctive syntax and diction. Kennedy uses many complex formations of syntax and diction to persuade his audience. While the speech’s respectful eloquence is appropriate for the occasion…show more content…
He states that his election “symbolizes an end as well as a beginning” and “signifies renewal as well as change”. This use of antithesis portrays the gap between the younger generation of Americans and the older generation. He unites them under one goal and one purpose by using antithesis, despite their differences. This rhetorical strategy not only appeals to the audience but also informs his audience that America will be advancing forward in achieving long term accomplishments. He later then applies the rhetorical strategy of declarative. He engages this strategy in order to appeal to ethos with his audience. It reassures the audience that he isn’t a callow president, that he understands the difference between his ideas and the realistic outcome. He states, “All this will not be finished in 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1000 days, nor in life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. Not only does it establish trust with his audience but it also reassures that the goals are not impossible, that they are indeed achievable but only if they as the audience coalesce and cooperate. He implies coalition is required when he states,”But let us
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