The Aim Of Man Thomas Jefferson Analysis

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Gonzalez, Jessika Dr. Jeffries Essay #1 09/28/12 What is happiness? There are many different definitions of happiness and happiness is determined by each individual. “The Aim of Man” by Aristotle and “The Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jefferson both discuss the meaning of happiness means to them. By discussing their attitudes towards material and spiritual happiness as well as their attitudes toward political freedom and the need for possessions, Jefferson and Aristotle, wrote what they feel about happiness. Aristotle defines happiness as the final good which means, to live a good life, by doing good deeds and happiness depends upon us. Jefferson states that happiness is freedom…show more content…
We as citizens have the right to live life in freedom without undue harm and to pursue our dreams and goals. Jefferson believes the government needs to respect our opinion by not putting it aside and to just listen to the citizens. The citizens have the right to set up a new government so the citizens have a better political life. To achieve the happiness we desire, the need for possession would be required. Jefferson says, “We hold these truths to be self-evidence, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” (Jefferson, 80). He states how having these natural rights mean happiness to the citizens. We were created to use our ability to reach what we desire happiness should be. In “The Aim of Man” Aristotle has his own views when it comes to material and spiritual happiness. Aristotle argues that material is what an object consist of and this matter we could not live without. He feels that education is the key and having the experience is good for happiness. Aristotle states that it is important to consider our ethical first principle not merely as a conclusion drawn from certain premises, but also in its relation to the popular opinion (Aristotle, 701). He says how it is important to follow what we believe and because…show more content…
Politics is the highest form of virtuous activity and it’s a development and improvement for the citizens. The purpose of a good man Aristotle believes is that politics is worth it for a happy men and perfect nation. He believes that men survive best in society where there are rules. Politics can fulfill their potential. Need for possession is knowledge. Knowledge has its purpose to aim at good. External good, need for possession to wealth, and other goods for the body and soul. Men pursue honor in order to assure their goodness and wisdom that they seek to be honor and believe that virtue is better. Being able to provide for your own without any help from anyone is self-sufficient is a possession that people want to have
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