Tourism's Negative Influence

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For summary, we do believe that tourism has more negative influence on the sustainable protection of cultural heritage. We think that the tourism and the sustainable protection of cultural heritage are incompatible. As mentioned above, we are not deny that tourism makes positive contributions in some field, we all know it can stimulate economic growth in a short time. But, for the protection of cultural heritage, it really has more negative influence. The literature is replete with examples of how excessive and inappropriate tourism use has led to the destruction of tangible and intangible heritage assets that one can believe that this is the most likely outcome of the tourism. That’s why the cultural heritage sector argues that cultural values are compromised for commercial gain. And it is obvious that the main purpose of tourism is to earn much money, to pursue economic benefit, but not to protect heritage. Tourism resources must be shared by human being, it is the common wealth of human being so it can't be occupied by a small number of people. Besides, we should also notice that cultural heritage exists in many developing countries as well as developed countries. Due to our technique for protection of cultural heritage is not much good at present, once cultural heritage be destroyed, we can not restore it any more. And it is just empty talk that cultural heritage can get sustainable protection. My dear fellow opponents mentioned that the quality of people is improving and the civilization of people is advancing , however , our only limited and unique heritage can't wait for the day when our quality have been improved, it can't wait for the day when we earn much money to protect it by the development of tourism . There is no point that we protect it after damaging it, it's too late to mend. We should keep in mind that the rate of destroying is faster than
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