Conspicuous Consumption Essay

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The term 'conspicuous consumption' was first used by Veblen to indicate membership of a leisured elite. Through the lavish, ostentatious, yet ultimately wasteful enjoyment of luxury goods, conspicuous consumption was seen as the basis for establishing esteem in class stratified societies. Whereas it is easy to criticise Veblen on the grounds that class structure and status indicators are both more complex than he maintained, and that leisure opportunities are considered an essential requirement for all in modern society, the expression has nevertheless entered everyday usage. There are at least three ways in which tourism might be regarded as an example of conspicuous consumption. First, members of wealthy tourist-generating nations can be viewed as conspicuous consumers of the valuable resources of the developing world. The exploitation of these countries on the pleasure periphery has been interpreted by some commentators as a form of neocolonialism, although few tourists would analyse their own behaviour in such a stark manner. Second, individual holiday choices made amongst complex status hierarchies of destinations can also be understood as conspicuous consumption, especially when considered in terms of ego-enhancement motivation and trip-dropping. However, it can be demonstrated that tourism motivation is not just materialistic, but reflects a wide range of other psychological and cultural factors. Furthermore, postmodern tourism is said to break down traditional boundaries and replace them with a universe in which image, illusion and irony predominate (see also postmodernism). Third, other potential indicators of prestige include souvenirs, gifts, photographs, postcards and suntan, all of which can point to the relative affluence of the holidaymaker, and, in that sense, constitute symbols of conspicuous consumption. However, this association is
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