To Freeze Or Not To Freeze

2004 Words9 Pages
Kathleen Mortensen 000172880 Integrated Natural Science Applications (INT1) To Freeze or Not to Freeze? A. Project Plan/Problem Statement The purpose of this experiment is to determine how temperature effects the popping of popcorn by comparing storage temperatures and the amount of un-popped kernels. The researcher will ask, “How will changing storage temperatures (independent variables) – freezer, refrigerator, and pantry – affect the amount of un-popped kernels (dependent variable) in microwave popcorn?” To answer the question, the researcher will use seven total bags of the same brand microwave popcorn. Two of the bags will be stored in the freezer, two in the refrigerator and two at room temperature in the pantry. The researcher will be testing how the storage of the popcorn can affect the number of un-popped kernels when stored within a 24 hour time frame then popped. The brand of microwave popcorn, the timed stored, the cooking method and the time cooked will be kept constant. By selecting the best storage method, one can pop a greater amount of popcorn and this can result in saving money. A1. Literature Review The researcher found two previous studies that tested multiple brands of microwave popcorn to determine which brand produced the most popped or fewest un-popped kernels. According to Anglin, Parks, White, & Young (2001), Act II microwave popcorn had the most popped popcorn. The other study (Boyd, 2006) determined that Act II microwave popcorn had the fewest un-popped popcorn. Based on this information, the researcher will use Act II microwave popcorn to help in determining which storage method is best to use. A2a. Experimental Design Steps 1. Purchase 7 bags of the same flavored microwave popcorn. 2. Label (with black Sharpie) and store 2 bags in the pantry, 2 bags in the refrigerator, and 2 bags in the freezer. (The remaining

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